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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 20 Nov 1991

Vol. 413 No. 2

Written Answers. - Land Usage Guidelines.

Austin Deasy


22 Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Energy if, in conjunction with the Minister for Agriculture and Food he will draw up guidelines for land which should be utilised (a) for agriculture only and (b) for afforestation.

It is a general aim that only land suitable for afforestation will be afforested and a guiding principle is that farmers and landowners should have the choice of how to use their land, subject to adhering to codes of practice for forestry and environmental protection. I am not aware of any conflict between agricultural use and afforestation which would warrant the preparation of guidelines on this issue at this stage.

Common Agricultural Policy reform and accompanying measures currently being discussed in Brussels include provisions for zonal forestry programmes. Once these are finalised the issue may be reconsidered, in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture.
