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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 18 Feb 1992

Vol. 415 No. 8

Written Answers. - Food Imports.

Bernard J. Durkan


365 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he will outline the total value of food imports for each of the years 1985 to date; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Following are details, obtained from information supplied by the Central Statistics Office, of food imports in the period 1985 to date with percentage changes for the years 1986 to 1990:







1991 (Jan.-Aug.)




















When account is taken of cost increases, the growth in imports which these figures show is modest and is to be expected given the freer trading conditions to which the arrangements for completion of the Internal Community Market are giving rise and the fact that, for climatic reasons, some foodstuffs being demanded by Irish consumers cannot be produced here. What is more important however, is the fact that the food and drink sector in general continues to produce a positive trade balance. In 1990, the last year for which complete figures are available, this was of the order of £1.7 billion.

Michael Creed


367 Mr. Creed asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he will outline the grants paid in 1991 to a person (details supplied) in County Cork.

This applicant was paid the following grants in 1991:


Amount Paid

Date Paid


1990 Beef Premium



1990 Ewe Premium (Final Instalment)



1991 Ewe Premium (First Instalment)



1991 Ewe Premium (Second Instalment)



1991 Sheep Headage



1991 Beef Cow



1991 Suckler Cow Premium



P. J. Sheehan


368 Mr. Sheehan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Cork will receive payment of her cattle headage grant.

Payment due to this applicant under the 1991 cattle and equines headage scheme is being processed at present and will be made shortly. She has already been paid her grants under the 1991 special beef premium scheme.

P. J. Sheehan


369 Mr. Sheehan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Cork will receive payment of his beef premium grant.

The person named has been deemed ineligible for grants under the 1991 special male beef premium scheme as he listed a female animal on his application form.

P. J. Sheehan


370 Mr. Sheehan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Cork will receive payment of a (1) suckler cow grant, (2) beef premium grant and (3) beef cow grant.

The applicant has already been paid his grants under the 1991 beef cow and equines headage scheme. His application under the suckler cow premium scheme is being processed at present and if found in order will be made shortly.

P. J. Sheehan


371 Mr. Sheehan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Cork will receive payment of his suckler cow grant due to applicants under the 12,800 gallons scheme.

My Department are unable to trace any applications from the person named under the 1990 or 1991 suckler cow schemes for small scale milk producers with quotas of less than 12,819 gallons.

P. J. Sheehan


372 Mr. Sheehan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Cork will receive payment of (1) suckler cow, (2) beef premium and (3) cattle headage grants.

Payments due to this applicant under the 1991 cattle and equines headage, suckler cow and special beef premium schemes are bring processed at present and if found in order will be made shortly.

P. J. Sheehan


373 Mr. Sheehan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Cork will receive payment of his beef premium grant.

Payment due to this applicant under the 1991 special beef premium scheme is being processed at present and if found in order will be made shortly.

P. J. Sheehan


374 Mr. Sheehan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Cork will receive payment of his beef premium grant.

Payment due to this applicant under the 1991 special beef premium scheme is being processed at present and if found in order will be made shortly.

Frank Crowley


375 Mr. Crowley asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food whether a TB reactor grant has been approved for a person (details supplied) in County Cork; and if so, when payment will issue.

I have been informed by the Director of ERAD that payment of TB reactor grants to the person named has not been approved pending the result of an investigation into the herd in question.
