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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 25 Mar 1992

Vol. 417 No. 6

Written Answers. - Housing Stock Survey.

Michael Creed


64 Mr. Creed asked the Minister for the Environment if he will request local authorities to carry out an audit of abandoned habitable homesteads in their respective areas.

The survey of the housing stock carried out at the request of my Department, by local authorities in 1990 will have provided them with information regarding the incidence of vacant housing in their areas. Additional information on vacant dwellings in all areas, including whether the dwellings were regarded as habitable or not, will be obtained from the results of the 1991 Census of Population. I do not propose to request local authorities generally to carry out a specific audit of the vacant dwellings in their areas, but there is no reason why any authority which considers it appropriate to do so should not adopt this course.
