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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Apr 1992

Vol. 418 No. 4

Written Answers. - Injury Benefit Application.

Tony Gregory


231 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Social Welfare if, in view of, (1) the reply to Parliamentary Question No. 114 on 31 March 1992, (2) the case of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 7 and (3) the conflicting evidence in the case, he will outline the action which can be taken to establish the facts in order that the person concerned may obtain his entitlements.

The person concerned claimed injury benefit from 1 October 1991 to 16 November 1991 and from 27 February 1992 in respect of an incapacity from an alleged accident at work on 1 October 1991.

Inquiries made from the employers failed to confirm the alleged accident. Following further investigations, it was accepted that the claimant was employed in insurable employment on the date concerned and that on the evidence available an accident had happened as alleged.

Injury benefit was allowed from 1 October to 16 November and from 27 February to 30 March 1992, the limit of the 26 week injury benefit period. Injury benefit over and above the disability benefit paid on an interim basis has been issued.

Disability benefit will be paid for any continuing period of incapacity.

Disablement benefit is only payable after the end of the injury benefit period and his entitlement to the benefit will be decided in the light of the results of a medical assessment examination which is being arranged.

The Revenue Commissioners have confirmed that a refund of tax over-deducted has already been made.
