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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 21 May 1992

Vol. 420 No. 1

Written Answers. - Sea Trout Stocks.

Monica Barnes


22 Mrs. Barnes asked the Minister for the Marine whether his Department's research programme, put in place in 1991, has enabled him to identify the factors affecting sea trout stocks; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

My Department played a key role in the funding and organisation of the 1991 research effort into the sea trout population collapse. The results of this work were evaluated by a working group set up under the aegis of the Department involving all the scientists working on the research programme, including the Salmon Research Agency, the universities, independent consultants as well as the Department's Fisheries Research Centre.

The assessment of the Scientific Working Group, based on the research results available to date, is that it is not possible to attribute the sea trout collapse to any one of the many factors characterising the problem or to any particular environmental factors.

The 1991 research programme points to the need for a continuation of the research effort into this complex problem. The various hypotheses which have been advanced to explain the decline in numbers must be tested further, together with the formulation of measures for the enhancement of sea trout stocks. My Department will continue to play a leading role in the co-ordination and organisation of the scientific programme being undertaken by the various institutions; and will assist in every way possible as far as resources permit.
