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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 9 Jun 1992

Vol. 420 No. 9

Written Answers. - Ordnance Survey Regional Offices.

William Cotter


74 Mr. Cotter asked the Minister for Finance the cost of setting up each of the Ordnance Survey regional offices; whether the premises in each case was purchased or leased; if he will give details of the parties to the agreement to each case; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

William Cotter


75 Mr. Cotter asked the Minister for Finance if he will outline the region covered by the Ordnance Survey regional office located in Longford; the number of staff located there; the relocation expenses paid to each member of staff; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

William Cotter


76 Mr. Cotter asked the Minister for Finance if his attention has been drawn to (a) the hardship caused to Ordnance Survey officers and their families by the relocation of these offices in the Longford Regional Office and (b) the inordinate travelling distance involved for some officers; if he will outline the cost to the Exchequer for travel and subsistence for the Longford Regional Office each month; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 74, 75 and 76 together.

So far, the Office of Public Works has provided premises for five of the six regional offices. Negotiations in regard to the Tuam office are still proceeding. As a matter of policy, information in regard to individual transactions is not divulged by Office of Public Works but the total annual rental for the five offices is £111,200. In addition, fitting out costs of approximately £25,000 were incurred. The Deputy should note that accommodation and fitting out costs would also have been incurred had these officers been transferred back to Dublin in accordance with the original proposal.
In general, the Longford office has responsibility for the North East and North midland areas but mapping for any part of the State may be processed in any of the regional offices as the exigencies of the work of the Ordnance Survey may require. Sixteen staff are currently assigned to the Longford office.
No relocation expenses have yet been paid in respect of the Longford office but claims for removal expenses have been received from two officers assigned to Longford and are currently being processed. Since the Longford office was set up on 27 April last, travel and subsistence expenses of approximately £900 have been paid.
With regard to the question of difficulties arising from assignment to local offices, this has been dealt with exhaustively in the House on a number of occasions, most recently by the Minister of State at my Department on the Adjournment Debate on 10 March last. I have nothing further to add to what the Minister of State said on that occasion.