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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 Jul 1992

Vol. 422 No. 5

Written Answers. - Contagious Animal Diseases.

Austin Deasy


28 Mr. Deasy asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if, in view of the liberalisation of EC laws on the movement of animals, he will outline the protection which Ireland will have against the spread of rabies, foot and mouth disease and other contagious animal diseases.

Eric J. Byrne


56 Mr. Byrne asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he will outline the implications for Ireland of proposals by the UK authorities to relax quarantine regulations for animals coming from other EC countries; whether similar changes are planned in our regulations; if, in view of the dangers of the spread of rabies, he will ensure the retention of quarantine regulations until such time as the entire EC is declared rabies free in accordance with the WHO definition of the term; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I propose taking Questions Nos. 28 and 56 together.

As part of the completion of the internal market within the Community, common control measures regarding a number of diseases including foot and mouth disease, have already been agreed by the Council of Ministers. These measures provide for intensive checks at the point of origin in order to ensure that animals entering intra-Community trade are free from disease.

As far as rabies is concerned, agreement has been reached at the Council of Ministers to harmonise rules for trade in commercial dogs and cats from July, 1994 which allows Ireland to maintain its quarantine regulations where a degree of risk is involved. Further proposals as regards the rules for pet animals are awaited and the existing quarantine arrangements continue to apply until alternative controls are agreed by the Council of Ministers.
