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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 Oct 1992

Vol. 423 No. 1

Written Answers. - Toxic Compound Spillage.

Roger T. Garland


246 Mr. Garland asked the Minister for Tourism, Transport and Communications if her attention has been drawn to a spillage of a toxic compound in July, 1992 on the railway lines passing through the Clonliffe area of Dublin; and if she will give details of (a) the events leading up to this spillage (b) the chemical spilt (c) its possible health effects on the local population and (d) the way in which this spillage was dealt with.

The Chairman of CIE has advised me that Iarnród Éireann have no report of any spillage of a toxic compound in July 1992 on the railway line passing through the Clonliffe area of Dublin. The Deputy may be referring to an incident involving a minor leak of a chemical substance from a barrel in an industrial premises in the Clonliffe area which, it is understood, occurred on the 19 July 1992. This incident had no connection with the railway line.
