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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 2 Mar 1993

Vol. 427 No. 2

Written Answers. - Road Grants.

Peter Barry


111 Mr. Barry asked the Minister for the Environment the grants which have been allocated to improving the national primary route between that portion of the road from the Cork county boundary to Limerick city; his views on whether this section of the Cork-Limerick road is in need of improvement to bring it up to modern specification and standards; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Since 1988, road grants totalling £1.575 million have been paid to Limerick County Council for improvement works on sections of national primary route N20 from the Cork county boundary to Limerick City and further improvement proposals are being developed.

An Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Limerick City to Lantern Lodge scheme has been submitted to me by Limerick County Council. This scheme involves the construction of 10.9 kilometres of new dual carriageway and 3 kilometres of single carriageway roadway between Childers Road and Lantern Lodge, together with 3.2 kilometres of associated single carriageway spur roads. A Compulsory Purchase Order for the acquisition of the necessary land for the scheme is being prepared by the County Council and, when this is submitted to me, a local public inquiry will be held into any objections made to me against confirmation of the Compulsory Purchase Order and into the Environmental Impact Statement. Subject to the outcome of the statutory procedures involved, the Childers Road to Lantern Lodge scheme is scheduled for construction in the period 1994 to 1997.

A By-Pass of Croom is currently at initial design stage but no proposals have been submitted by the local authority to my Department. The section between Lantern Lodge and the proposed Croom By-Pass was upgraded in the 1970s and meets the required geometric standards.

The section of road between the end of the proposed Croom By-Pass and the county boundary is also in need of improvement and Limerick County Council have taken initial steps towards formulating proposals for this work.