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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 Jun 1993

Vol. 432 No. 6

Written Answers. - Training Grants.

Alan M. Dukes


73 Mr. Dukes asked the Minister for Enterprise and Employment his views on the recommendation to end all grants for firm-specific training; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

An important part of the Government's response to Culliton as detailed by me on 3 May includes a new approach to raising the level of skills of those at work. FÁS and the Department of Education have important roles to play in this connection and there will be close co-ordination between FÁS, my Department, the Department of Education and the Industrial Development Agencies to ensure that the needs of industry are adequately reflected in all training programmes.

I concur in the Culliton Group's recommendations that training that is specific in the sense that the skills or learning involved is exclusive to the firm and of little or no relevance to any other firm, should not be subsidised. However, it is very difficult in operational terms to define firm specific training precisely. The overall objective of state funded training programmes should be to balance the need of industry for relevant training with the needs of individuals for training which will allow them mobility.

Responsibility for training those at work will continue to rest with employers. Appropriate Government agencies will assist and advise employers on their training needs and grants will be available for small and medium sized enterprises to assist them with the cost of providing training for their employees.