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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Jan 1994

Vol. 437 No. 6

Written Answers. - Assaults on Bus Drivers.

Liz McManus


273 Ms McManus asked the Minister for Justice if she has had discussions with Dublin Bus in relation to assaults on bus drivers; the special measures, if any, she has taken to prevent further assaults on bus drivers; and if she will make a statement on the matter.

I am informed by the Garda authorities that the problem of assaults on bus drivers is continuing to receive special attention. In this respect I would refer the Deputy to my response to a parliamentary question on 17 June, 1993 (Dáil Debates, Volume 432 No. 5, columns 1295-1297) in which I outlined the various measures that had been taken to deal with the situation. These, which I consider worth mentioning briefly again, include:—

— a number of meetings were held between the Garda and management and unions of Dublin Bus to discuss the problems involved;

— the involvement of an inspector in each district to deal with incidents of a serious and/or continuous nature;

— the intensive patrolling of known trouble spots with particular attention being paid to late night services (including gardaí being available to travel on buses as appropriate).

I am informed by the Garda authorities that these measures were effective and resulted in a reduction in the number of attacks and other incidents on buses. However, since October the number of incidents has again increased and as a result of this a number of further measures have been taken in addition to those outlined above. Weekly meetings are being held between the Garda Síochána and management of Dublin Bus to monitor the situation and to discuss how the situation can be improved. In addition, arrangements have been made for the introduction of talks in schools by local Community gardaí and Dublin Bus representatives in order to heighten students' awareness of the importance of the public transport system to the community and the dangers of stone throwing.
In my response to the parliamentary question on 17 June 1993 I also referred to the fact that Dublin Bus have a role to play in preventing incidents of assault and vandalism. In this respect I understand that recent special measures taken include:—
— all new buses are provided with anti-assault screens;
— discussions are taking place between the unions and management of Dublin Bus on the introduction of suitable assault screens to existing buses;
— the use of video equipment on buses for the purpose of surveillance and detection of criminal activity is proving successful;
— all buses are provided with radios to enable direct contact between bus drivers and their depots.
I am informed by the Garda authorities that they are satisfied with the measures being taken to deal with the situation. They will, however, continue to monitor the situation closely and any further action considered appropriate will be taken.