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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Jan 1994

Vol. 437 No. 6

Written Answers. - Departmental Employees.

Eamon Gilmore


274 Mr. Gilmore asked the Minister for Justice if she will give a list of the names of persons, other than those in the permanent Civil Service, who currently hold positions in her Department, Ministerial office, or the office of each Minister of State; the nature of the appointment; and the current salary payable.

Details of the persons, other than those in the permanent Civil Service, who currently hold salaried positions in my Department, are set out in the following tabular statement:


Position held

Nature of Appointment

Current Salary

John Gallahue

Special Adviser to the Minister of State

Temporary unestablished

£31,627 p.a.

Jackie Lynch

Personal Assistant to the Minister of State

Temporary unestablished

£150.44 p.w.

Adrian Gavin

Civilian Driver to the Minister of State

Temporary unestablished

£242.88 p.w.

Pat Frost

Civilian Driver to the Minister of State

Temporary unestablished

£242.88 p.w.

Sheamus Smith

Film Censor

Temporary and non-pensionable

£33,921 p.a.

Audrey Conlon

Assistant Censor

Temporary unestablished

£22,500 p.a.

Margaret McGearty

Temporary Law Clerk in the Office of the General Solicitor for Minors and Wards of Court

Contract from 24-5- 93 to 31-1-94

£216.11 p.w.

Garret Simons

Temporary Research Assistant in the Supreme and High Court

Contract from 4-1- 94 to 3-1-95

£10,000 p.a.

Liam McCabe

Temporary Research Assistant in the High Court

Contract from 4-1- 94 to 3-1-95

£10,000 p.a.

Martine O'Connor

Temporary Research Assistant in the High Court

Contract from 19-1- 94 to 18-1-95

£10,000 p.a.

Joseph Donnelly

Part-time Law Librarian in the Supreme and High Court

Contract from 10-1- 94 to 9-1-95

£9,000 p.a.

Patrick Brennan

Bankruptcy Inspector in the Supreme and High Court

Temporary unestablished

£260.17 p.w.

Claire Dowdall

Temporary Clerical Assistant in the District Court, Dundalk

Contract from 13- 12-92 to 18-3-94

£33.22 for each day worked

Denise O'Donnell

Temporary Clerical Assistant in the Circuit Court, Lifford

Contract from 18-1- 94 to 23-2-94

£33.22 for each day worked

Eileen Keenan

Nurse to the Garda Surgeon

Temporary unestablished

£15,444 p.a.

Máire Ní Dhonncha

Irish Teacher

Temporary unestablished

£14,498 p.a.

Cora Ní Loinsigh

Irish Teacher

Temporary unestablished

£15,390 p.a.

In addition to the foregoing the Dáil Secretary of the Minister of State and my Dáil Secretary have been brought into the Department to continue their existing duties.
There are also two temporary Prison Officers in receipt of a weekly salary of £258.05 per week.