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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Jan 1994

Vol. 437 No. 6

Written Answers. - FÁS Training Places.

Richard Bruton


295 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for Enterprise and Employment the number of training places available in FÁS training centres during 1993 and projected for 1994; the numbers of persons who will take courses at these centres in 1993 and projected in 1994; and the number of persons taken from the live register for training in FÁS centres in 1993 and projected for 1994.

The average number of training places available in 1993 in the training centres run directly by FÁS was 6,000 and a similar number will be available in 1994. The throughput, i.e. number of persons leaving FÁS training centre courses in 1993, was 14,500 and it is expected that a broadly similar number will be catered for in 1994.

On average over 60 per cent of the participation level on FÁS training centre courses in 1993 came from the live register. FÁS will endeavour to improve on this in 1994. In this regard, however, the Deputy should bear in mind that in addition to persons who have been on the live register, FÁS provides training for a wide range of unemployed persons such as early school leavers and other disadvantaged young people, young people in apprenticeship training, people over 18 not on the live register including persons interested in returning to the workforce after a prolonged absence.
