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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 15 Feb 1994

Vol. 438 No. 7

Written Answers. - Egg Products Regulations.

Neil T.C. Blaney


64 Mr. Blaney asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry the purpose of the regulation restricting the use of fresh eggs in bakeries to a maximum of 60 dozen per week; and if his attention has been drawn to the adverse effect this provision has on Irish bakeries.

Under the terms of the European Communities (Egg Products) Regulations, 1991, pasteurised egg products must be used in the production of foodstuffs. These regulations give effect to European Union Council Directive 89/437/EEC.

The only exception to this condition allowed by the European Union directive is for food processors who use not more than the equivalent of 60 dozen eggs per week and sell their products direct to the consumer, within 2 km of the production point.
I am not aware that compliance with these regulations is causing undue difficulties for Irish bakeries. The purpose of these provisions is to protect public health.
I am satisfied that the Egg Products Regulations strike the correct balance between protecting public health and facilitating small scale production.