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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 Feb 1994

Vol. 439 No. 2

Written Answers. - Community Development Programme.

Noel Ahern


51 Mr. N. Ahern asked the Minister for Social Welfare, in regard to his recent announcement that an additional £700,000 was being allocated to the community development programme, if he will approve the application for such a programme for the Finglas West area.

The Community Development Programme provides financial assistance to projects to assist in the staffing and equipping of local resource centres which provide a focal point for community development activities in the area. The projects encourage local community and voluntary groups to develop partnerships with each other and statutory agencies in their area with a view to tackling the problems faced by the community.

An additional £700,000 has been provided in the budget for the community development programme, bringing the overall allocation in 1994 to £2.2 million. With the additional resources which have been made available this year, I intend to extend the programme to a number of new areas around the country. A number of proposals for new projects have been received in my Department, including one for Finglas West. These proposals are being examined at present. My intention is that decisions in relation to new areas for inclusion in the programme will be announced in the coming months. The Deputy can take it that the Finglas West area will receive every consideration in this years extension of the community development programme.

I should mention that a community development project is being funded by my Department in Finglas South, which is based at St. Helena's resource centre.
