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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 19 Apr 1994

Vol. 441 No. 5

Written Answers. - Garda Radio System.

Peter Barry


105 Mr. Barry asked the Minister for Justice if she has received a proposal from the Garda Communications Advisory Committee regarding an enhanced radio system for the Garda headquarters in Cork; if so, when it is likely to be operational; if not, when the Advisory Committee is likely to make its recommendations; if she has been in contact with the Garda concerning the matter; and if she will make a statement on the matter.

It is proposed to provide an enhanced radio system at the Garda Divisional Headquarters in Anglesea Street, Cork, following consideration of the matter by the Garda Communications Advisory Committee. This project was advertised to potential contractors in the supplement to the Official Journal of the European Community on 6 January 1994 and tender responses are due on 29 April.

It is anticipated that a contract will be placed in July-August of this year and that commissioning will take place early in 1995. This matter is the subject of continuous consultation with the Garda authorities.
