Orders of Reference of Select Committees.
(1) That the Orders of Reference of the Select Committees on Finance and General Affairs, Social Affairs, Enterprise and Economic Strategy, and Legislation and Security be amended as follows:—
(i) in paragraph (1) in all cases, by the deletion of ‘30' and the substitution therefor of ‘21';
(ii) in paragraph (9) in all cases, by the addition of the following:-
Provided that in the case of a substitute nominated by a Party which is a Government Party, such substitute may be a member of another Government Party.'; and
(iii) by the addition of the following paragraphs after paragraph (16) in all cases:—
(17) That the Select Committee shall have the power to discuss and draft proposals for legislative changes and new legislation for recommendation to Ministers which are relevant to the matters comprehended by paragraph (1).
(18) That the Select Committee shall have the power to receive submissions and hear evidence from interested persons and organisations.
(19) That the Select Committee shall have power to print and publish from time to time minutes of evidence taken before it together with such related documents as it thinks fit.
(20) That Ministers and Ministers of State shall discuss with the Select Committee, where practicable, general proposals for legislation relevant to the matters comprehended by paragraph (1) prior to such legislation being approved and published by Government.
(21) That all appointees to high office in the State shall attend meetings of the Select Committee, as appropriate, and subject to the legal constraints of their office, to discuss issues which are relevant to the matters comprehended by paragraph (1).
(22) That Ministers and Ministers of State shall appear before the Select Committee to discuss current policies relevant to the matters comprehended by paragraph (1) and the implementation of such policies in their Departments. A Minister or Minister of State may request the Select Committee to convene to enable him or her to explain current or proposed policy or to initiate a debate thereon.'
(2) That notwithstanding paragraphs (14) of the Orders of Reference of the Select Committees specified in paragraph (1), the quorum of each Select Committee shall be five; and
(3) That the Orders of Reference of the Select Committee on Legislation and Security be further amended by the addition of the following paragraph after paragraph (1):—
(1A) That the Select Committee shall review, on a regular basis, the Official Secrets Acts and all other statutory provisions which restrict access to information and shall report thereon to Dáil Éireann with recommendations to bring them into line with the best international standards of public information provision.'.".