Desmond J. O'Malley
Question:13 Mr. O'Malley asked the Minister for Health the plans, if any, he has to help fund continuing medical education for doctors; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4555/95]
Vol. 449 No. 8
13 Mr. O'Malley asked the Minister for Health the plans, if any, he has to help fund continuing medical education for doctors; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4555/95]
Limerick East): The Postgraduate Medical and Dental Board has statutory responsibility for post graduate education.Total expenditure by the board in 1994 amounted to £1.062 million. This funding is provided for the organisation of higher training committees, vocational training for general practitioners and schemes for continuing medical education for GPs. Of the total budget over £400,000 was devoted to continuing medical education.
Public health medicine departments are currently being established by the eight health boards. As part of the set up costs an annual sum of £500 has been made available to each doctor working in the public health area as a supplement to existing funding from health boards for continuing medical education.In total this provision will cost £123,500 per annum.
Following the revision of the common contract for consultants a further £0.5 million per annum was provided for continuing medical education in recognition of the extensive benefits which accrue from higher education including maintenance of the highest standards of patient care and excellent training for junior doctors.
In the context of the total resources available for the health services, continuing medical education for doctors is well supported by my Department.