Kathleen Lynch
Question:35 Kathleen Lynch asked the Minister for Health the proposals, if any, he has to expand the activities of the Health Promotion Unit; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4496/95]
Vol. 449 No. 8
35 Kathleen Lynch asked the Minister for Health the proposals, if any, he has to expand the activities of the Health Promotion Unit; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4496/95]
Limerick East): The Deputy will be pleased to learn that the Health Promotion Unit of my Department will receive approximately £2.5 million in 1995. This reflects an increase of £300,000 or 14 per cent on the 1994 figure.This will facilitate the maintenance of existing important health promotion programmes on tobacco, AIDS and nutrition and will also enable the unit to develop new programmes in the areas of oral health, the elderly, alcohol abuse and exercise.
As promised in the national health strategy, the Minister will shortly be launching the health promotion strategy which will develop the discussion on health promotion and will set out more detailed goals and targets and plans for their achievement.