Limerick East): I understand from the Western Health Board that the waiting time for routine radiological investigations is 7 to 10 days at Mayo General Hospital. The maximum waiting time for specialist examinations is three to four months. However, I am assured by the board that urgent radiological investigations always receive priority attention.
The provision of radiology services at Mayo General Hospital, including the identification of any additional staffing needs, are a matter for the Western Health Board in the first instance. Proposals for the filling of additional posts are reviewed on a regular basis by my Department. This review is undertaken having regard to service and personnel criteria in the context of the priority afforded to each post by the agency concerned and with particular regard to the availability of financial resources.
Under existing personnel policy therefore, it is the responsibility of each health agency to submit prioritised manpower proposals to my Department, including details of service requirements and proposed funding arrangements.
Proposals in respect of the posts referred to by the Deputy have not been included by the Western Health Board in its most recent manpower submission to my Department.