Written Answers. - Cost of Medical Care.
Tony Gregory
Mr. Gregory
asked the
Minister for Health
the overall cost to the State in providing medical care to intravenous drug abusers; the individual cost of Outreach, satellite clinics and methadone programmes; the overall value of State grants given to voluntary agencies dealing with intravenous drug abusers; and the agencies concerned.
Limerick East): Intravenous drug misusers receive medical treatment from a number of different sources including out-patient drugs treatment centres, hospitals and general practitioners. It would not be possible to give a total cost in respect of these treatment facilities. The cost of a satellite clinic which offers a range of services to drug misusers is in excess of £400,000 per annum. The Eastern Health Board operates three such clinics in the Dublin area and the Board proposes to open three further clinics during 1995. The Drug Treatment Centre, Pearse Street, which also offers a wide range of treatment to drug misusers has received a financial allocation of £1.167 million for 1995.
As the Deputy will be aware my Department's policy on HIV/AIDS and drug abuse are closely interlinked given that 57 per cent of HIV positive cases are intravenous drug use related.
Since 1992, substantial funding has been allocated to allow for the development of services particularly in the Dublin area, where the majority of drug misusers reside. This funding has allowed for the provision of extensive prevention and treatment services by the Eastern Health Board which, together with the Drug Treatment Centre and voluntary organisations, provides a comprehensive treatment network for drug misusers.
In 1993 almost £5 million in additional funding was provided by my Department in the HIV/AIDS and drug misuse field, £3.4 million was allocated in 1994 and a further £1.627 million is being allocated in 1995.
The role of the voluntary organisations in the provision of services for those affected by HIV/AIDS and drug misuse is vital. Since 1992 my Department has provided funding, through the health boards, to voluntary organisations to support them in their work in this area. A total amount in excess of £700,000 was made available in 1994 to the following agencies:—
Body Positive
Merchant's Quay Project
Anna Liffey Drug Project
Ballymun Youth Action Project
Community-Based Services (Dublin South Inner City)
Irish Haemophilia Society
Community Awareness of Drugs
Cross Care (Quarryvale)
Cork AIDS Alliance
AIDS Help West
Red Ribbon Project
Dublin AIDS Alliance
Inner City Organisation Network (ICON)
Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN)
This represents an increase of 55 per cent over the 1993 allocation to voluntary organisations.