John Ellis
Question:82 Mr. Ellis asked the Minister for Health if he will have arrangements made for the amended birth certificate requested by a person (details supplied) in County Leitrim to be issued. [4660/95]
Vol. 449 No. 8
82 Mr. Ellis asked the Minister for Health if he will have arrangements made for the amended birth certificate requested by a person (details supplied) in County Leitrim to be issued. [4660/95]
Limerick East): The administration of the registration system is a matter for the Registrar-General of Births and Deaths and for local Registrars who operate under his general direction.
I am informed by the Registrar-General that the birth in question — a home birth — had taken place in 1929, and was registered on foot of information furnished to the Registrar by the father who signed the entry in the birth register.The date of birth recorded was recently disputed and shown to be inconsistent with the true date of birth as verified by Baptismal records.
In the circumstances of the case it is necessary to effect a re-registration of the birth. All contemporary documentary evidence required by law has been obtained and a written authority to reregister the birth has issued to the relevant Registrar. When registration has been completed a certified copy of the new birth entry will be sent to the General Register Office for transmission to the applicant.