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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Mar 1995

Vol. 450 No. 2

Written Answers. - Tax Amnesty Receipts.

Pat Upton


61 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Finance if he will give a breakdown of the moneys collected from the tax amnesty for each county. [5000/95]

Pat Upton


62 Dr. Upton asked the Minister for Finance if he will give a breakdown of the moneys collected from the tax amnesty in the Dublin area by postal district. [5001/95]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 61 and 62 together.

The total amount of tax, PRSI and levies paid in 1993 and 1994 under the two parts of the 1993 tax amnesty scheme, that is, the 15 per cent incentive amnesty and the general amnesty, is estimated at £261 million. Some £200 million of this was paid under the 15 per cent incentive amnesty.

The 15 per cent incentive amnesty scheme was administered under special confidentiality arrangements by the Office of the Chief Special Collector. Under the terms of the amnesty legislation, that office is precluded from relaying information of the kind requested by the Deputy to either myself or the Revenue Commissioners. In the circumstances, the breakdown requested by the Deputy is not available in respect of the 15 per cent incentive amnesty.

As regards the £61 million collected under the general amnesty, I am informed by the Revenue Commissioners that statistics are not available which would enable the information requested to be provided on a regional basis. Such information could not be obtained without undertaking inquiries which could be carried out only at a disproportionate cost.
