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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 23 May 1995

Vol. 453 No. 3

Written Answers. - Oral Examinations.

Eric J. Byrne


129 Mr. E. Byrne asked the Minister for Education if her attention has been drawn to parental concern regarding severe disruption to teaching and learning in post-primary schools while oral examinations are in progress; if her attention has further been drawn to the fact that many students are not taught the full curriculum at this time; the plans, if any, she has to hold oral examinations outside school hours; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [9247/95]

I am aware of the issues referred to by the Deputy. The Deputy will be aware from the content of the recently published White Paper of my intention to ensure the integrity of the school year in order to maximise the tuition time available to students. At present my Department pays for substitution to cover the absences of teachers who are employed as oral examiners. With a view to minimising any disruption of either tuition time or school management, my Department is also engaged in a review of all the options available in the scheduling of the oral and practical tests for the certificate examinations in consultation with the other interested parties. In autumn 1994 an implementation group representative of the teacher unions, the managerial bodies, the National Parents Council (Postprimary), the NCCA and my Department considered this matter in the course of considering the arrangements needed for the introduction, in 1995, of the new leaving certificate syllabuses. For 1995, the group recommended that the oral tests, together with the leaving certificate music practical and the new junior certificate practical examinations in home economics and music, should be conducted in the 2-week period immediately prior to Easter. This has been put into effect and has been generally welcomed.

It is also planned in 1996 to have project work in engineering, construction studies, agricultural science and agricultural economics examined in June, in parallel with the written examinations. In 1995 and earlier years this work was examined in the March-May period. The feasibility of holding the oral examinations outside normal class time will form part of the continuing review.
