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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 27 Jun 1995

Vol. 455 No. 1

Written Answers. - Pig Slaughtering Levy.

Brian Cowen


167 Mr. Cowen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry the amount by which he has arranged to reduce the pig slaughtering levy in 1995; and the value of this reduction to pig producers. [11874/95]

I have arranged to provide relief to pig producers by (a) reducing the slaughter levy from £1 to 95p per pig and (b) reducing, on a temporary basis to 1p, the statutory fee of 20p per pig paid by pig producers to An Bord Bia.

The regulations reducing the slaughtering levy are already in place. A draft Order to reduce the Bord Bia levy has been passed by the Dáil. A similar resolution is awaited from the Seanad.

Based on slaughterings in 1994 the benefit of these measures to pig producers would be in the region of £850,000 per annum.
