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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 28 Sep 1995

Vol. 456 No. 2

Written Answers. - Special Schools Developments.

Ivor Callely


77 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Education if she will give details of the future developments in the area of special schools for people with a disability; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [13667/95]

Ivor Callely


78 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Education the proposals, if any, she has for children with a disability to be integrated into the school system; the timescale envisaged; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [13668/95]

I propose to answer Questions Nos. 77 and 78 together.

The White Paper on Education,Charting our Education Future, outlines the proposed future strategy for providing suitable education for pupils with a disability in either special educational facilities or in an integrated environment.
The fundamental objective of the commitment in the White Paper is to ensure, to the maximum possible extent, that all children with disabilities will have access to suitably resourced education services in their own area and within the ordinary school system. However, the extent to which integration can be achieved will depend on the specific and evolving capacities of the individual children involved.
The details of each student with a special disability will be entered in a national data base. Each education board will have a responsibility for all students in its region who have been entered on the national data base and will co-ordinate education provision, including support services, for these students.
A number of ordinary primary schools will be designated by the education boards as centres where children with particular disabilities may be educated. Existing special schools with fulfil an expanded role as schools dealing with a variety of disabilities and as regional resource centres. Each student with a disability will be assigned to the nearest appropriate special school in the region. Even if it is decided that the student should attend an ordinary school, he/she will still have access to the support services provided in the special school.
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment will advise on the setting up of curriculum development projects for students with speciaistl education needs. To accommodate eductional provisions for children with disabilities in mainstream schools, the development of the curriculum will allow for flexibility, addition and adaptation. The curricular needs of all students in special classes, units and schools will be reviewed continually, based on age, ability, needs and aspirations.
An action plan for implementation of the White Paper proposals is currently being pursued by my Department. It is intended that the proposals will be implemented as speedily as possible, having regard to the necessary legislative measures which will underpin the proposals and overall resource availability.