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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 5 Oct 1995

Vol. 456 No. 5

Written Answers. - Training for the Disabled.

Mary Wallace


170 Miss M. Wallace asked the Minister for Enterprise and Employment the efforts, if any, which he has taken to promote the accessibility of employment schemes run by his Department and bodies under the aegis of his Department for people with disabilities. [14203/95]

Mary Wallace


171 Miss M. Wallace asked the Minister for Enterprise and Employment the measures, if any, which have been undertaken by training agencies under his Department's aegis to ensure that their services are accessible to people with disabilities. [14207/95]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 170 and 171 together.

It is Government policy to maximise accessibility for people with disabilities to its various services and, indeed, to the buildings where such services are provided. FÁS is no exception in this regard. When selecting new buildings, for example, a fundamental criterion is that it be accessible to people with disabilities and, furthermore, that its internal fixtures and fittings be as suitable as possible. Likewise, in the case of existing buildings, every reasonable effort is made to eliminate any access difficulties which may exist for disabled persons.

FÁS encourages disabled persons to participate on its training and employment programmes subject, of course, to their being physically or mentally able to do so. Primary responsibility for assisting disabled persons rests, however, with the Minister for Health.
