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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 21 Nov 1995

Vol. 458 No. 5

Written Answers. - Complaints about Off-Licence.

Tony Gregory


147 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Justice if the gardaí in Ballyfermot. Dublin 10, have received complaints regarding the activities of an off-licence (details supplied) which, according to local residents, is the principal source of alcohol for very young persons and a cause of serious concern in view of the anti-social activities that result; and the action, if any, the gardaí have taken or will take to deal with this matter. [17123/95]

I am informed by the Garda authorities that the gardaí at Ballyfermot station have had discussions, on a number of occasions, with the owner of the premises in question about complaints that under-age youths in the area are purchasing alcohol from his premises. I understand that the owner has assured the Garda that the allegations are unfounded and that he has consistently refused to sell alcohol to any person whom he suspects of being under-age, or whom he suspects is purchasing alcohol for provision to under-age persons. The Garda state that they have monitored the situation that they have found no evidence to warrant a prosecution but will continue to visit and monitor the premises in question.

I understand that the gardaí in Ballyfermot have spoken earlier this year and again quite recently to the residents who made complaints about the matter and that they were invited to call to Ballyfermot Garda station with any evidence in this regard. To date, however, no such evidence has been forthcoming from the residents.
I also invite Deputy Gregory or other Deputies or any residents in the locality of a licensed premises, who are in a position to supply evidence that an under-age person has been supplied with alcohol at that premises, to bring such evidence to the attention of the Garda so that proceedings may be instituted.