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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 28 Nov 1995

Vol. 458 No. 8

Written Answers. - White Paper Schedule.

Kathleen Lynch


124 Kathleen Lynch asked the Minister for Education her Department's implementation schedule for the commitments in the various chapters of the White Paper. [17651/95]

The White Paper on Education, Charting Our Education Future, sets out a comprehensive agenda for progress across all areas of the education system, from pre-school to third level education, from tackling disadvantage to encouraging lifelong learning, from developing the positive role of parents to improving training provision for teachers.

The White Paper is a strategic document in that many proposals will of their nature be fully implemented over a period of years. Progress in implementing the reform programme is now well under way. For example, the restructuring of the senior cycle is proceeding, the targeting of measures to alleviate socio-economic disadvantage is being pursued resolutely, a major programme of in-career training for teachers is under way, TEASTAS — the Irish National Certification Authority — has been established, the position regarding time in school has been clarified, the review of the primary school curriculum is in hand, extra funding for the third level sector has been secured, and legislation dealing with universities and with the establishment of Education Boards is at an advanced stage of preparation.