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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 16 Apr 1996

Vol. 463 No. 8

Written Answers. - Prospecting Licences.

Trevor Sargent


180 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications the way in which he can justify his announcement to extend prospecting licences in County Mayo in view of the fact that this area is an integral part of the tourist development which is taking place in west Mayo and that the revenue from tourism in the Westport area is in excess of £30 million annually. [7482/96]

Trevor Sargent


181 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications if the extension of prospecting licences implies that, subject to environmental, technical and other criteria, mining leases or licences will be issued to the same or other mining companies as implied by a former Minister, Mr. Molloy, T.D., in an address to the annual general meeting of the Irish Mining and Exploration Group on 24 April 1991. [7483/96]

Trevor Sargent


182 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications if his attention has been drawn to the opposition that exists in County Mayo to mining as a clear indication of this was given when an anti-mining meeting was held in Westport, County Mayo in April 1989 and estimates of attendance at that meeting varied from 4,500 to over 6,000; and if his attention has further been drawn to the huge investments taking place in hotel, leisure, conference and other tourism projects in Westport and the surrounding areas. [7485/96]

I propose taking Questions Nos. 180, 181 and 182 together.

I am, of course, keenly aware of the importance of tourism, not only for County Mayo, but for the nation as a whole. In the event of the companies discovering commercial quantities of minerals, and obtaining planning permission for their extraction, and the necessary licences from the Environmental Protection Agency, I can see no reason for not granting a State mining facility.

I am of course aware of the opposition to mining in County Mayo and the investments made there in developing the tourist industry. However, there can be no question of an outright mining ban. Equally there can be no question of mining being allowed unless the strictest environmental safeguards are in place.
