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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 28 May 1996

Vol. 466 No. 1

Written Answers. - Semi-State Companies Recommendations.

Seamus Brennan


41 Mr. S. Brennan asked the Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications the number of Moriarity recommendations regarding semi-State companies that have been implemented; the recommendations that have been implemented by each semi-State company; and the recommendations that have not been implemented by the boards of the companies concerned. [10836/96]

The Moriarty recommendations, as endorsed by Government, relating to the State companies under my Department's aegis are too numerous and detailed to cover by way of oral response. I have instead set out in the form of a separate note the up-to-date position on implementation. I propose letting the Deputy have this note today.

I can assure the Deputy that the recommendations in question have been implemented, or are being implemented, and that my Department is monitoring progress in relation to them on an on-going basis.
