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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 4 Jul 1996

Vol. 468 No. 2

Written Answers. - Education of Children with Disabilities.

Mary Wallace


125 Miss M. Wallace asked the Minister for Education the funding, if any, she will provide in 1996 for children with disabilities wishing to attend mainstream education; the amount of this funding that has been allocated to County Meath; the purpose for which this funding is being utilised; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [14887/96]

I regret that the cumulative information required by the Deputy is not readily available in my Department.

If the Deputy would like information regarding resources provided to a specific school in County Meath, my Department would require details of the particular school concerned.

My Department allocates funding for a range of supports provided to children with disabilities attending mainstream education. These include remedial teachers, resource teachers, visiting teacher service, salary and travel-subsistence costs, child care assistants, building modification, equipment grants, special class capitation grants and school transport provision.

I am satisfied that since my appointment as Minister for Education I have achieved substantial progress across the entire spectrum of special needs. It is my intention to continue this process.