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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 4 Jul 1996

Vol. 468 No. 2

Written Answers. - Dairy Farmers' Hardship.

Donal Moynihan


169 Mr. Moynihan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry the plans, if any, he has to alleviate the hardship being experienced by small scale milk producers who have already filled their milk quota for 1996. [14808/96]

I am aware of the situation facing the smaller scale dairy farmers this year. This is clearly evident from the increased demand for temporary leasing under the first stage of that scheme which was operated in May last.

With a view to ensuring that any further quota becoming available during this year is directed towards these smaller producers, I have decided that they will have total priority under the second and third stages of this year's temporary leasing scheme. I have also asked the milk quota group to meet again following the completion of the second stage of temporary leasing in order to assess the impact of its operation.
I have also recently announced a subsidised milk quota restructuring scheme with a subsidy of 40 to 50 pence available specifically for smaller scale producers who purchase additional quota.
I am hopeful that both these arrangements will go some way towards assisting the situation for those smaller scale producers who have the greatest need in the current year. I would, however, caution that producers will be required to manage their production in the knowledge that there will be a very strong demand on the amount of any quota available under the next two stages of temporary leasing.