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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 Jul 1996

Vol. 468 No. 4

Written Answers. - Loran C Mast.

Tony Killeen


991 Mr. Killeen asked the Minister for the Marine if he will consider an alternative location for the proposed Loran C radio navigation mast. [15765/96]

Tony Killeen


992 Mr. Killeen asked the Minister for the Marine whether Ireland will now abandon the Loran C mast proposal and withdraw from the international group promoting the system. [15766/96]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 991 and 992 together.

Ireland is committed to the provision of the Loran C station, by way of signed international agreement approved by the then Government in 1992 and subsequently by Dáil Éireann on 8 October 1992. At any time, in order to provide maximum system coverage, it was necessary that the station be located in the south west. The site near Loop Head was selected as most suitable by reference to a comprehensive range of criteria following extensive site investigations in counties Kerry and Clare.

My Department is currently evaluating the practical and legal implications of last week's Supreme Court judgment in relation to the statutory powers of the Commissioners of Irish Lights to construct the Locan C mast. I would also remind the Deputy that a further High Court decision is pending in relation to decision taken by An Bord Pleanála regarding planning permission for the Loran C mast.
