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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 8 Oct 1996

Vol. 469 No. 5

Written Answers. - Illegal Cigarette Trading.

Mary Wallace


83 Miss M. Wallace asked the Minister for Finance the plans, if any, he has in relation to illegal cigarette street trading. [17685/96]

I am informed by the Revenue Commissioners that they are fully alert to the situation that prevails with regard to illegal street trading in tobacco products and are taking steps to deal with this problem.

These steps include an increasing number of prosecutions for smuggling of tobacco products and for selling unstamped cigarettes; ongoing largescale seizures of tobacco products whether smuggled from outside the EU, purchased in excess of duty-free allowances, or transported irregularly outside the correct channels within the EU; increased co-operation with various trade interests concerned, other Revenue services and with the Garda; the extention of tax stamps to "roll-your-own" tobacco products with effect from 1 October 1996; a co-ordinated approach with the Garda in street operations. Other additional measures will be taken as necessary.

The Commissioners have statutory responsibility for preventing the illegal importation of tobacco products and the sale of unstamped products within the State. In view of the specific street-trading dimenson, customs are working in close co-operation with the Garda in a series of on-street joint operations. It is intended to intensify these efforts. Arising from these operations, an increasing number of prosecutions in the courts have taken place.

Apart from efforts at street vendor level, investigations are continuing in an effort to trace the source of the tobacco products feeding this illicit trade and urgent inquiries are being pursued in this area with the investigation services of our EU partners.
Overall, about 33 million cigarettes and 7,162 kilos of roll-your-own tobacco have been seized to date at import points and from distributors and street traders.