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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 14 Nov 1996

Vol. 471 No. 6

Written Answers. - County Dublin Vocational Education Committee.

Mary O'Rourke


124 Mrs. O'Rourke asked the Minister for Education the procedure adopted when an acting chief executive officer was appointed to County Dublin Vocational Education Committee in 1985; the Minister who approved this appointment; the person so appointed and approved; the system of notification of this upcoming vacancy to potential interested applicants; the positions which had been held in the previous five years by the person who was appointed to the position of acting chief executive officer in County Dublin vocational education committee; the procedures, if any, which were notified by her Department to the Vocational Education Committee on the advertising of this position; if she will make available the letter which went at that time to the County Dublin Vocational Education Committee giving permission to fill the acting chief executive officer position; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [21504/96]

On 29 November 1984, the Department recommended to County Dublin Vocational Education Committee that it should take the initial action to deal with the vacancy in the post of chief executive officer expected to occur on 31 August, 1985 and contact should be made with the Local Appointments Commission as early as possible. Subsequently, in view of the Minister for Environment's proposals for local government reorganisation for the Dublin area, the Department informed the LAC in March 1985 that it no longer favoured the filling of the vacancy in a permanent capacity.

Statutory responsibility for the filling of a chief executive officer vacancy resides with each vocational education committee subject to the approval of the Minister for Education. Prior to June 1995, procedures for the filling of a chief executive officer vacancy on an acting basis were a matter for the committee concerned and the arrangements, including those relating to notification and advertising of the position, varied in the sector.

I am informed that in keeping with this practice the Department did not write to the vocational education committee outlining procedures relating to the filling of the position nor was any letter issued to County Dublin Vocational Education Committee giving permission to set in train the process of filling the acting chief executive officer position. Sanction was given for the appointment of Mr. Jerry Cronin as acting chief executive officer of County Dublin Vocational Education Committee by letter dated 20 August 1985. Ms Gemma Hussey was Minister for Education at the time.
I understand that during the five years prior to his appointment, Mr. Cronin held the positions of Education Officer of County Dublin Vocational Education Committee, special adviser to the then Minister for Education and temporary acting chief executive officer of County Dublin Vocational Education Committee.
In June 1995, I decided that the procedures for the filling of future chief executive officer vacancies on an acting basis should be standardised. The revised arrangements include a requirement in relation to the public advertisement of each post and a competitive interview process. These procedures have been adhered to in the eight acting appointments which have been sanctioned by me since July 1995.