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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 17 Dec 1996

Vol. 473 No. 1

Written Answers. - Teacher Appointments.

Tom Kitt


243 Mr. T. Kitt asked the Minister for Education if a resource teacher will be provided for Our Lady's boys and girls national schools, Ballinteer, Dublin 16, in view of the fact that there are two children with Down's syndrome attending these schools. [24458/96]

I am not in a position at present to provide a resource teacher to the schools in question. Ten resource teacher posts were available for allocation to schools in the primary sector in the current year. These posts were recently allocated on the basis of priority of need following the collection and analysis of data from primary schools by my Department's primary inspectorate.

I understand that one of the children mentioned by the Deputy is currently in receipt of a visiting teacher service. I have arranged for the visiting teacher service to be extended to the other child in question.
