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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 5 Feb 1997

Vol. 474 No. 4

Written Answers. - Food Industry Development.

Ivor Callely


40 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry the issues he supports which should be addressed for the development of the food industry; and if he will indicate the likely developments of this industry, in particular, in restaurants, take-aways and eating places. [3034/97]

The issues to be addressed for the development of the Irish food industry were clearly identified in the report of the expert group on the food industry and articulated in planning terms in the sub-programme for the development of the food industry 1994-99.

This programme provides a framework for growth in the industry and a blueprint for its development to the year 2000. The main focus is on increasing the competitiveness of the Irish food industry through investment in new technology, attainment of internationally acceptable quality standards, product and process development and innovation. Particular attention is being paid to marketing of Irish food and drink products on the home and export markets.

An Bord Bia's marketing strategy is implemented in detail by means of its annual programmes which take account of ongoing developments in the food industry. These programmes encompass all aspects of food promotion and market development with appropriate focus on target markets and market segments, including liaison with the restaurant sector with which it undertakes appropriate activities from time to time.
The horizons international food event in 1996 had a focus on Irish cuisine which was favourably received by all visitors to the event and demonstrated how the actual experience of quality food can contribute effectively to food promotion and marketing.