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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 May 1997

Vol. 478 No. 7

Written Answers - Organ Donation.

Desmond J. O'Malley


20 Mr. O'Malley asked the Minister for Health his response to the drop in the number of heart and lung donations and the corresponding drop in heart transplant operations; the steps, if any, which can be taken by his Department to increase the number of donations; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12132/97]

Limerick East): The average annual number of organ donors in the period 1993-96 was 76. The total number of donors in 1996 was 65. However, information in respect of the first four months in 1997 indicates that a total of 36 people have already donated organs. This represents a significant increase over the same four month period last year when 16 people donated their organs.

The average annual number of heart-heartlungs retrieved in the same four year period was 25. A total of ten have been retrieved in the first four months of 1997. The average number of heart transplants performed annually in the period 1993-96 was 13.5. In 1996 the number performed was ten.
I am pleased that the number of organ donors shows an increase in 1997. However, it must be pointed out that the number of organs offered, retrieved and ultimately used will vary due to a number of factors including size and compatibility.
The Irish Kidney Association through its annual donor awareness compaign focuses the attention of the general public on the need for public support for more organ donation. I was pleased to be in a position to provide the Irish Kidney Association with £40,000 this year in support of the national campaign for donor awareness.My Department will be keeping the level of organ donation under active review in 1997, in consultation with the relevant health agencies.