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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 30 Sep 1997

Vol. 480 No. 6

Written Answers - Schools Refurbishment.

Andrew Boylan


569 Mr. Boylan asked the Minister for Education if his attention has been drawn to the deplorable condition of St. Enda's national school, Scotshouse, County Monaghan; if his attention has further been drawn to the fact that officials at his Department and architects have acknowledged this situation; if he will give a commitment to include the development at St. Enda's school in his 1998 capital building programme in view of the fact that technical work will be completed by the end of 1997; if his attention has further been drawn to the fact that this school has not got the facility of a remedial teacher; and if he will have investigations made into the lack of such a teacher in order to appoint a remedial teacher to St. Enda's, even if it is only on a shared basis. [14413/97]

My Department is acutely aware of the standard of accommodation available at St. Enda's national school, Scotshouse, County Monaghan and accordingly this school was included in the capital building programme to enable the project progress through the various planning stages. In view of the particular circumstances an outline programme of works was agreed with the school authorities and urgent minor works have been completed prior to commencement of major works for which architectural planning is under way. Upon completion of architectural planning, a decision will be taken regarding the timing of the tender/contract process having regard to competing priorities and the availability of funding.

With regard to remedial teachers, I am not in a position at present to allocate additional remedial teacher posts to primary schools. My capacity to allocate such posts in any year is dependent on the availability of surplus posts arising from the demographic decline in the primary system. Such posts as became available from this source for the 1997-98 school year were largely allocated by my predecessor as part of an agreement with the Irish National Teachers Organisation on overall staffing arrangements.

For the current school year, a total of 54 additional remedial teachers have been allocated to primary schools. This brings the total number of remedial teachers in the primary system to 1,242.

I will continue to review provision across the special needs area, including the remedial teaching service, to ensure that all available resources are deployed as effectively as possible. I can assure the Deputy that the needs of St. Enda's national school will be fully considered in the context of any additional allocation of remedial supports which may be undertaken.