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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 14 Oct 1997

Vol. 481 No. 4

Written Answers. - Drug Treatment Services.

John Bruton


143 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Health and Children the number of people currently on regular methadone treatment; his views on whether there is a limit on the time during which people should be maintained on methadone; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16266/97]

In accordance with the protocol for the prescribing of methadone, general practitioners who become involved in the treatment of opiate dependent persons are required to list those persons' details on a central treatment list. Under this arrangement any general practitioner who is considering prescribing methadone for a patient can check whether the patient's name is on this treatment list and so minimise the possibility that the patient concerned may receive methadone from more than one source. At the end of September 1997 there were 2,512 persons on this central treatment list.

As the Deputy will be aware the aim of all of our drug treatment services is to make the patient drug free. Where methadone treatment programmes are concerned this would also require the provision of aftercare and rehabilitation services in order to broaden the range of options available for those on such programmes. Ultimately, however, the decision as to the length of time on which a person should be maintained on methadone is one which should be taken by the patient's clinician. This decision would be made taking into account such relevant factors as the patient's determination to remain drug free, the availability of back-up after care services and the patient's own domestic circumstances.