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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 14 Oct 1997

Vol. 481 No. 4

Written Answers. - Operational Programme for Tourism.

Bernard Allen


199 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands her views on a recent consultant's report on the Operational Programme for Tourism under which it is stated that the £27.4 million spent under the culture development incentive scheme up to the end of June 1996, offered relatively poor tourism value for money; and the steps, if any, she has taken to address this issue. [16476/97]

Bernard Allen


201 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands if she will list the spending to date on the sub-programme 1 of the Operational Programme for Tourism; the steps, if any, she is taking to address the fact that a recent consultant's report found spending on the sub-programme 1 to be well behind original targets and that, by mid-1996, there were no additional or improved products in operation assisted under sub-programme 1; if she will list the products in operation before 1996 and after 1996; and the date on which they opened. [16478/97]

Tógfaidh mé Ceisteanna Uimh. 199, 200 agus 201 le chéile.

The process of the mid-term evaluation of the Tourism Operational Programme is not yet complete. However, for the Deputy's information, progress to date on the projects funded under sub-programme 1 of the Tourism OP has been slower than planned. The difficulties which contributed to this situation have now been largely overcome. These difficulties resulted, inter alia, from the legislative changes in regard to planning permission and the implementation of fire, health and safety regulations. The expenditure currently amounting to almost £32 million will accelerate over the immediate future and it is anticipated that it will reach the relevant targets within the appropriate timeframe. As the Deputy will be aware the projects to be funded typically involve the upgrading of infrastructure and existing visitor facilities. I regret that a detailed comprehensive analysis categorising the facilities being funded under the sub-programme into new and additional services as opposed to existing facilities is not readily available.
I do not accept that the expenditure to date represents poor tourism value for money. To enhance the tourism potential of the projects in sub-programme 1, significant funding will be allocated shortly to international marketing. Finally, for the information of the Deputy, the total expected European Regional Development Fund contribution to expenditure on the cultural development incentives scheme under the programme is of the order of £17 million.