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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 12 Nov 1997

Vol. 482 No. 6

Written Answers. - Illegal Substances.

Gerry Reynolds


361 Mr. G. Reynolds asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the procedures, if any, which are in place to monitor the movement of cruisers on the Shannon and Erne waterway from the Shannon Estuary to Ballyconnell in relation to the possible movement or distribution of illegal substances. [18477/97]

I am advised by the Garda authorities that they are aware of the possibility that drugs may be moved from the Shannon estuary as far as Ballyconnell by means of cruisers, and procedures are in place to counteract such possible movement of illegal substances.

Local gardaí are in continuous contact with key personnel and organisations along the route, and the gardaí are also engaged in regular patrols on an ongoing basis in these areas.

I am informed by the Garda authorities that liaison gardaí from stations along the route have been selected to liaise with householders along the shoreline and that gardaí also liaise with fishery protection officers, fishermen and persons having access to the shoreline. Likely landing areas along the route have been identified and are being monitored with the help of community alert personnel.

The following specific schemes have also been put in place:
Lake Watch, which operates in the vicinity of Lough Derg. Members of the public involved in the scheme have been selected by reason of the location of their homes and their vantage points on the lake. This has proved to be of considerable assistance to the Garda.
Shannon Watch, which operates along the same lines as the one described above and covers the Shannon waterway from Shannonbridge to Rooskey.
In addition, the Garda has established a study group that is looking at the feasibility of an improved police patrol arrangement on inland and coastal waters. The study is concentrated on the three main areas: River Shannon - Shannon Erne waterway, Shannon estuary, Maritime Garda districts.
I am also informed by the Garda authorities that in addition to the foregoing, anti-crime operations currently in place in the Garda western region relating to crime generally in the catchment area, also focus on Shannon crossing points.