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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 24 Feb 1998

Vol. 487 No. 6

Written Answers - Architects Directive.

Beverley Flynn


228 Ms Cooper-Flynn asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government when the proposed Irish amendment to the EU Architects Directive 85/385/EEC will be implemented. [4542/98]

An amendment to the Architects Directive has been proposed to the EU by my Department. The amendment, with others, is being dealt with in the context of a general review of the Directive. A report on the general review, published by the European Commission last year, recommends rejection of the Irish amendment.

Before making formal proposals concerning amendments to the Directive, however, the Commission is awaiting the opinions of the European Parliament and of the Advisory Committee on Training and Education in the Field of Architecture on the published report. Any such proposals would then be considered by the member states, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers before a decision could be taken. Accordingly, I cannot say at this stage when a final decision on the amendment will be taken.
