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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 28 Apr 1998

Vol. 490 No. 2

Written Answers - Disadvantaged Areas.

Michael Ring


123 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the position regarding the third tier for disadvantaged areas; the action, if any, the Irish Government is taking regarding the situation; and the cause of the delay in this regard in Europe. [9797/98]

A submission to establish a new category of extremely disadvantaged areas in Ireland was formally presented to the EU Commission on 9 October 1996. Subsequent to the submission, the Commission raised the issues of conservation and overgrazing in connection with the REPs and special areas of conservation. It is concerned to ensure proposals affecting the extension and classification of land in the disadvantaged areas do not have an adverse effect on areas which are being targeted by the REPs and SACs as requiring special attention.

In this regard, the Commission made it clear that discussions relating to overgrazing and conservation must be concluded before proposals affecting disadvantaged areas would be examined. These discussions have now been finalised and are due to go to the EU Committee on Agricultural Structures for formal approval later this week. Following this, I will endeavour to ensure that the Commission begins its examination of the third tier proposal as soon as possible.
