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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 28 Apr 1998

Vol. 490 No. 2

Written Answers - Education Schemes.

John Gormley


297 Mr. Gormley asked the Minister for Education and Science if City Quay national school will be included in the Breaking the Cycle scheme or the Early Start initiative. [9964/98]

The operation of the Breaking the Cycle Pilot project is being monitored by the Department's inspectorate and the project is being evaluated by the Education Research Centre. No further development is intended in this area pending the outcome of the evaluation.

The Deputy will be aware that I recently held a National Forum for Early Childhood Education. My objective in holding the forum was to allow all groups with an interest in the area of early childhood education to put forward their views as to how best to coordinate and support the future development of services in this area.
A report on the proceedings and conclusions of the forum is currently being prepared by the independent secretariat and will be published under the authority of the secretary general to the forum.
Following consideration of this report, it is my intention to publish a White Paper on Early Childhood Education.