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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 28 Apr 1998

Vol. 490 No. 2

Written Answers - British-Irish Agreement.

Deirdre Clune


73 Ms Clune asked the Taoiseach the number of copies issued to the public of the Agreement reached in the multi-party negotiations; if his Department have had complaints about the nonavailability of copies in some areas; and the cost of the distribution to date. [9759/98]

Deirdre Clune


74 Ms Clune asked the Taoiseach if, in view of the importance of the Agreement reached in the multi-party negotiations, he will ensure that a copy of the Agreement is sent to at least every household in the country. [9760/98]

The initial print run of the Agreement reached in the multi-party negotiations amounted to 400,000 copies. These were distributed around the country to Garda stations, public libraries and post offices. Owing to the high demand, some of these distribution points ran out of supplies. Some people did contact the Government Information Services when they were unable to get copies at these supply points. In such cases their details were taken and the Agreement was posted to them directly from the Government Information Services.

An additional 1.4 million copies are being printed for distribution to households throughout the State. An Irish language version will be distributed in Gaeltacht areas. Arrangements are well advanced, and starting today, households began receiving their copies. An Post is undertaking the distribution and has indicated that it will be complete by 8 May, two weeks ahead of the referendum.
Copies of the agreement are also being made available in Braille and on tape. The total printing cost involved is £288,000 approximately. Distribution costs amount to £100,000.
A referendum Commission on the Nineteenth Amendment has been established and will oversee information campaigns on the proposed amendment and facilitate debate and discussion on the matter.