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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 6 May 1998

Vol. 490 No. 5

Written Answers. - Teaching Posts.

Bernard Allen


306 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Education and Science if he will sanction the immediate appointment of a teacher or counsellor and home liaison teacher for St. Killian's national school, Cork; and if he will support the provision of part-time specialist teachers, permanent trained classroom assistants and adequate services of speech and occupational therapists for this school. [10654/98]

The range of issues raised by the Deputy form part of a detailed submission which my Department recently received from the school in question. The proposals put forward by the school are currently being examined by my Department's inspectorate. The question of any additional resource allocations to the school and the nature of any such allocations will be determined following completion of the inspectorate's evaluation of the case put forward by the school and having regard to available resources.
