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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 26 May 1998

Vol. 491 No. 3

Written Answers. - Retail Sector Developments.


47 Dr. Upton asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if she will produce a White Paper on the retail trade in view of the enormous changes including the entry of British multiples and the fact that the regulation of this process is now largely left to the local authority planning process. [12128/98]

Developments in the retail sector arising from the entry of British multiples into the Irish retail market are being closely monitored by my Department. As I explained in my reply to Deputy Owen's parliamentary question on 26 March last, I have no power to prevent these developments and we must recall that Irish companies have as much right to open business in other member states of the Community as companies from other member states have to open here. Indeed, this is a right which many Irish firms have exploited very successfully.

A comprehensive legal framework exists through which anti-competitive behaviour and abuses of dominant position can be challenged. This framework is enforced by the Competition Authority and by the Director of Consumer Affairs. If this legislation is at any time seen as deficient in terms of responding to developments on the retail trade, it can be reviewed to make it more effective.

In the circumstances, I do not believe that any purpose would be served in producing a White Paper at this stage.
