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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 9 Jun 1998

Vol. 492 No. 1

Written Answers. - Health Services Staff.

Bernard Allen


141 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Health and Children the staff to patient ratio in all health board areas. [13579/98]

Bernard Allen


142 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Health and Children the ratios of district nurses, speech therapists and social workers to patients in all health board areas. [13580/98]

Bernard Allen


143 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Health and Children the staff nurse to patient ratio in Cork University Hospital; and if it is within the national average. [13581/98]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 141, 142 and 143 together.

The management, organisation and provision of health services is the statutory responsibility of the health board in association with the voluntary hospitals and voluntary agencies in the first instance. This necessarily involves the identification of staffing requirements and the deployment of staff within the overall financial and employment levels set by my Department. Each agency, on receipt of their annual level of financial determination and as part of their preparation of an annual service plan, makes decisions with regard to the staffing levels and the skills mix it requires to provide an agreed level of service within overall financial allocation.

It is not possible to make valid comparisons between regions and agencies based on staffing ratios. Even given similar populations, there are significant differences in case complexity, patient profile, facilities and equipment, the range and complexity of services provided, socio-demographic factors and health and social requirements. Consequently, my Department does not collect information on ratios as requested by the Deputy.
